10 Valuable Life Lessons to Learn from in your 20’s :)

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Hello my wonderful blog friends ❤️

Hope y’all are having an awesome Feburary and can’t you believe it’s almost March?!

So today’s post will be a bit different since I thought why not post a diff topic for a change for all my lovely bloggers to read and be inspired by 😘

So, I wrote an article but the 10 Valuable Life Lessons to Learn from in your 20’s and published on a well known platform called Medium.com.

Here is the link: 10 Valuable Lessons to Learn from in your 20’s

These are some of the lessons I learned through my personal experience and wanted to share this post with you guys here on WP! These lessons have helped me so much and always follow them to help me survive the rest of my adulthood and am pretty sure you will find these really helpful 💚

Here is my post 🙂 It’s a bit too long but worth the read 😊

10 Valuable Lessons to Learn from in your 20’s

By: Maha Ram (thebeyoutifulgal)

Remember the time you had just turned 21 and you were overwhelmed with joy that you had just reached the adulthood phase where you could legally drink and had the freedom to make your own decisions?

You thought that your 20s were a fun relaxing phase where you could focus on your education, take advantage of boundless opportunities and cherish those first few thrilling years of adulthood.

Well, not really.

Sometimes, reality can hit you in your mid 20’s where your life can completely turn upside down and you can face numerous interview failures, financial instability, emotional distress etc.

Amidst all of these tumultuous transformations, you should realize that you should be grateful for the positive events that happened in your life and learn from the hardships that you had endured during the tough times.

Here are 10 valuable life lessons that you follow to successfully survive your 20’s:

1. Always have faith and trust GOD.

Always believe in GOD for HE knows what the future has in store for you and what is best for you. GOD gives you the strength to endure your struggles and always helps you in the most unexpected ways.

Life is like a roller coaster with several highs and lows but you will be able to have joyous adulthood if you just have faith in Him, a little patience, and a positive outlook on life.

Thank Him for the positive moments in your life but seek strength and patience to get you through those hardships. HE will always direct you in the right direction with the right people and the right time.

At times, you might wonder why the disappointments and the delays but you then realize that everything happens for a reason.

HE knows exactly what you deserve and opens doors by providing the right opportunities to guide you down the right path for leading a happy and successful life. He will make it happen at just the right time as long as you believe that things will work out just the way you wanted it to.

2. Believe in yourself

Believe that you are capable and have the potential to do the impossible, no matter how hard it is. Believe that you’re beautiful and a kind-hearted soul with so much love and strength.

Even if you might be criticized by peers for your weakness, don’t let that lower your self-esteem and confidence. You just have to realize that GOD made you into an amazing soul with a great personality.

Believe that you could take advantage of your versatility and passions to overcome your fears and pursue your dreams. Change your perspective and motivate yourself to outdo your past and become a better version of yourself.

Prove them wrong, know that you deserve better, and show how successful you are in front of them!

3. Don’t compare yourself with others.

Always compete with yourself instead of competing with others. Never compare yourself with your friends, classmates, family, etc. because everyone is different and unique in their own way.

Sometimes you may be surrounded by envious friends and family which can become an obstacle for your success but you just have to learn to focus and compete with yourself instead of worrying about what other people are doing which can drastically improve your self-confidence.

Be hard on yourself by working on your passions which will allow you to grow more as an individual and accomplish several of your goals. Learn to love and improve yourself as personal growth is essential in being successful in the future.

Motivate yourself to be a stronger and more confident person than you had been in the past rather than being better than your peers.

4. Never expect anything since expectations lead to disappointments.

Never have high expectations and expect anything in return. Some people don’t reciprocate the same amount of love and affection you give them and when you have high expectations, you believe to get the same thing in return.

This can lead to disappointments and a disturbed state of mind. Even if you have given so much to your friends, family, etc. you can’t always expect someone to be a certain way or a situation to happen in the right way.

You should realize that not everyone has the same heart as you do and is just better that we just have to appreciate the small things in life.

It’s better for our health if we just lower our expectations and think realistically about certain situations. It definitely feels much better when you expect the unexpected and everything just comes to you when you least expect it!

5. Step out of your comfort zone

This is definitely important, especially in your 20’s. Embrace change and try to really step out of your comfort zone. As they say, “life starts at the end of your comfort zone.”

Really be passionate about your interests, explore new things and exploit new opportunities and trust me, your 20’s is the right time to do so.

You will be able to face your fears and any challenges that come your way by doing something that you’re not comfortable with.

Whether it be trying a new hobby, skydiving, etc. stepping out of your comfort zone allows you to grow as an individual, overcome your insecurities, and gain more self-confidence. You will surely see an increase in personal growth as you aspire to achieve and fight for your dreams.

6. Be grateful and appreciate the small things in life

Even though life gives you so many ups and downs, it’s very important to be thankful for the small things in life that allow you to survive and face those periods of hardships or positive transformations.

Always take the time to thank GOD and your family, friends, etc. for always showering you with an abundance of love, support, and happiness throughout your life.

Make sure to appreciate that they have always been there for you when you needed them through the toughest times of your life.

The lesson learned is that always be grateful every day for the simple things in life and cherish those special moments of generosity as gratitude can immensely improve your quality of life.

7. Never give up since struggles in life make you a stronger person

Sometimes, GOD tests you on whether you will be able to survive your times of hardships and downfalls. Those tests are for you to realize that no matter what obstacles that come your way, you should be strong enough to face those challenges and achieve anything that you put your mind to.

Sometimes, you would experience bouts of emotional distress, pondering about whether you could handle this much despair. Your faith in GOD and intuition will make you realize that you shouldn’t give up and that you could get through any struggles so easily since HE knows that you are a very strong person.

You should never give up despite any struggles that you encounter because failures allow you to understand your strengths and weaknesses and learn from your mistakes. They make you endure pain which helps you to become a stronger and more confident individual.

8. Let go of past friendships, relationships, etc but still cherish the memories.

It’s important to understand that not all friendships or relationships last a lifetime and not everyone is meant to stay in your life. If you feel that some relationships are toxic or your effort is just not reciprocated, then you should consider letting it go and instead look forward to even better ones in the future.

Never chase a person who doesn’t understand your worth and love.

You have to know that you are amazing and that a much better person deserves you and understands how important and precious you are. Keep yourself busy by meeting new people and forming true genuine friendships that you can cherish forever.

That person will just come around at the right time at an unexpected moment, whether it be a friend, lover, or anyone else. GOD will never let people stay in your life if they are not meant to be. The ones who are worthy of you will always be by your side.

9. Everyone achieves their dreams at their own pace

There is no rule that says that you have to accomplish your goals by a certain time frame or age. Some people get a job right after graduation and some people wait for a year or two to get the right opportunity.

Certain people marry at the age of 21 and some wait until 30 to find their true soulmate. You should understand that life is not a competition nor are you competing with your peers.

Everyone discovers their aspirations and strives to achieve them at their own pace. You just have to have faith in GOD, believe in yourself, have patience, and wait for the right time for things to work out and unravel on their own.

10. Health is Wealth

Last but not least, one thing that should be learned and is very important since childhood is that health is wealth.

It’s extremely significant that you take care of your general well-being, whether it be physical or mental health because your health sets the foundation for you to live a happy and successful life.

Take your health seriously when you are young because when you hit your 20’s, it will have a huge impact on your performance.

Eating a healthy, low-calorie diet, maintaining your weight, and having a stable mindset will allow you to accomplish all of your goals and live a stress-free life to the fullest. Your overall self-esteem, as well as physical/mental strength, will dramatically improve. It’s vital that you spend so much time and effort on maintaining sound health as it helps you live a longer life.

Be grateful for your victories since you wouldn’t have grown so much as an individual without these struggles in your life. Your motivation and personal growth will tremendously improve despite all of the hardships that you encounter.

These 10 life lessons will for sure shape you into a much stronger, more confident person than you were before. As you ride the roller coaster through the adulthood phase, remember to follow these beautiful lessons so that you can live a successful and happy life in your 20’s.


I really hope that you enjoyed reading this article and felt inspired! Feedback is appreciated as always 😘

What are some of the lessons that you learned throughout your life or in the stages of adulthood? Feel free to share your experiences below ❤️

Until next time,


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20 Comments Add yours

  1. Misha Bagga says:

    What a wonderful read. Superb. Keep Glittering, love TGA by Misha 👍😘😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beyoutiful says:

      Thank you so much girl! Glad you enjoyed the post 😊


  2. Loved reading through this post. There are so many things you mentioned that I have learnt as well. Particularly with not taking my health for granted and being able to step out of my comfort zone. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beyoutiful says:

      Thank you so much girl! Yeah I’m grateful for all these life lessons that I learned along the way and it def feels awesome to just step out of your comfort zone and taking the time to love yourself. Thanks for reading hun ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. YES to not comparing yourself to others! some great life lessons for sure, thanks for sharing 💛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beyoutiful says:

      Thank you girl! Glad you enjoyed the post 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Alien Poet says:

    i love the 8th point cos, i had affected so much of past ships 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beyoutiful says:

      Thank you, appreciate you reading! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Alien Poet says:

        pleasure reading ur work

        Liked by 1 person

  5. This was so relatable, everything was true and included a quote that I live by: ‘Everything happens for a reason’. LOVE LOVE LOVE! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beyoutiful says:

      Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the post 🙂


  6. Loved thoroughly read it and I could easily connect with it as I’m myself a believer! Good job babe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beyoutiful says:

      Thank you so much lovely! Glad you enjoyed it 😘


  7. corcoran0841 says:

    I absolutely love this. So much of your advice is what I am continuing to work toward to live a more fulfilling, happier life in my 20s. Self-compassion, self-care, meaningful relationships and physical health are so important. Your writing is amazing. Can’t wait to read more! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beyoutiful says:

      Hi there! Thank you so much, that really means a lot! So happy here to here that you found my article helpful and hope you keep living a happy life with these tips since they actually really helped me 🙂 Really appreciate you reading and stopping by 😊


    1. Beyoutiful says:

      Thank you, glad you liked the post! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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